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12 Days of Christmas

SINGERS: soprano, mezzo or tenor, bass baritone, 4 choral voices
LENGTH: 1 Act/60M

At last, a new Christmas opera and this one has talking animals, a time-traveling Wise Man, cranky adolescent, and the Christ Child back for a spectacular Second Coming.

Alexander-the-Not-So-Great is a lonely adolescent determined to make everyone else as miserable as he feels, especially at Christmastime. His best friend is a talking pig named Bella; his archenemy the Wise Man Gaspar, now a 21st Century child shrink hired by Alexander’s long-suffering mother to sort out his bad behavior. Mayhem ensues which suits Alexander just fine. What he has not counted on is the Second Coming of Christ who surprises everyone by showing up as an infant. A funny, poignant, joyous celebration of love with a divinely happy ending.